Final Concert Finalizes a Great Day!

On October 8th, 2005, Yamaha held its Day of Saxophones at the Yamaha Artist Services Facility in New York City. Featured clinicians and performers for this event included Yamaha Artists Capitol Quartet (Anjan Shah, David Stambler, Marty Nau, David Lewis) and Phil Woods. The day started off with open instrument testing, tours of the 3rd and 11th floor facilities and discussions with Yamaha staff on saxophones options and customizations. Capitol Quartet followed next with a great clinic and after a short break, Phil Woods presented his clinic and provided many humorous stories of his many years in the music industry. For the evening concert both Capitol Quartet and Phil Woods performed showcasing their individual artistry and Yamaha saxophones.

Both of the clinics and the final concert were recorded and will be available as media clips and as future podcasts in the coming months. Be sure to keep watching as new media is uploaded. For a short sample from the event, check out the movie below.

For more information on Capitol Quartet, click here
For more information on Phil Woods, click here

Sample Video:

Phil Woods

The Future of Music and Sound
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