Remote Piano Recital To Be Performed Live At Yamaha's Piano Salon

Building housing Yamaha Artist Services, Inc.
Building housing Yamaha Artist Services, Inc.
NEW YORK, N.Y. — Edisher Savitski won top honors at the 2006 Minnesota International Piano-e-Competition. Part of his winnings included the recital scheduled for Zankel Hall on December the 11th at 7:30pm. Additionally, Mr. Savitski won a Yamaha Disklavier Pro, and it is with this instrument (at the artist's home in Indiana) that he will connect, via the Internet, to an additional Disklavier placed on stage at Yamaha Artist Services, Inc. in Midtown Manhattan. The result will be that the audience will not only be able to hear and see Mr. Savitski as he speaks, but it will hear him play as if he were present at the Yamaha Piano Salon.

Mr. Savitski will play portions of his upcoming recital and discuss them. He will also be able to respond to questions from people in the room. This lecture/demonstration is the first such venture ever undertaken by Yamaha and the Piano-e-Competition organization, directly connecting the technology used in the competition to the winner's recital.

The concert will take place at the 3rd floor Piano Salon at Yamaha Artist Services, Inc., located at 689 Fifth Avenue in New York City [enter at 54th Street.] the November 27th event will begin at 2 PM and will be held at the Yamaha Artist Services, Inc.'s Piano Salon in Manhattan. The event is free of charge and open to the public.

For further recital information and reservations, contact (212) 339-9995, x 0 or to reserve online click here.