American Idol Contestants Play Yamaha Grand

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — American Idol has returned for the much anticipated 8th season, and as the final contestants dwindle into the top 10, they will have the opportunity to perform with or alongside a Yamaha grand piano. YCAA, Inc. placed a C6S grand piano on the set of the mega hit show.

American Idol Contestants Play Yamaha Grand
Season 8 American Idol Contestant Matt Giraud
Scott MacIntyre and Matt Giraud were the first two contestants to seize the opportunity to play the piano as part of their recent performances and both have made it into the top 10, thereby securing positions in the upcoming Idol National Tour this summer.

American Idol airs Tuesday nights at 8/7 p.m. CST and Wednesday nights at 9/8 p.m. CST on Fox. Click here to watch Matt's performance of "Human Nature," and here to watch Scott perform "Keep the Faith."

For more information on Yamaha artists, please visit