Launching a New Concept Guitar Amplifier - New Dimensions in Sound Quality, Flexibility, and Usability

Yamaha Guitar Amplifier THR10
Yamaha Guitar Amplifier THR5

BUENA PARK, CALIF —September 30, 2011 - Yamaha today announced that it will launch its new concept guitar amplifiers with speakers, THR10 and THR5. These units offer the very best designs, functions, and sound quality, based on extensive research on today’s guitarists. This new THR Series is expected to make a tremendous change in the performance environment of guitarists.

New Product Profile

THR10 and THR5 are based on Yamaha’s strengths and core competences. They represent a new concept in the design of guitar amps because they were developed to add new value to the guitar playing experience by making it possible to play the guitar indoors, or practically anywhere, except on stages and in studios.

Previously, small amps for practice purposes were just scaled-down versions of large stage amps. Their sound quality and design were not suited to indoor practice environments. Also, recently, amps with multiple features, such as accompaniment tracks and audio input, are becoming more common, but these are usually just based on previously existing guitar amps with some features added. The quality of either the guitar sound or the audio sound and, in some cases both, is compromised.

To develop its new concept amp, Yamaha conducted extensive research on what appeals to guitarists, their perspective, and the environments where they like to play. Based on its findings, Yamaha created the THR Series to offer the optimal designs, functions, and sound quality. Yamaha focused sharply on satisfying potential customers who “have some experience in playing the guitar and insist on their own style of performing.”

Main Features

1. Application: Groundbreaking Approach to Guitar Amps
Because of its compact, classy design, guitarists can take it anywhere from a bedroom, living room, backstage to the parks nearby to enjoy playing the guitar without bothering with complex setups using effects and other equipment. The THR Series offers reproduction of genuine tube amp sound, industry-leading high-quality stereo output, battery-operated option, on-board chromatic tuner and eight no-brainer effects, all in one box. It is also noteworthy that it can be used as an audio interface. For home-recording beginners, Cubase AI is bundled into the unit to allow performers to experiment and be creative.

2. Sound Quality: The Very Best Sound Drawing on All of Yamaha’s Technology
Guitar Sound: We have succeeded in reproducing the sound of legendary amps using Yamaha’s original technology, Virtual Circuitry Modeling (VCM). Because VCM technology is based on the amp circuitry, from components, wiring, and electric signals of the original amps, not only the sonic characteristics but tonal range, sound curves, and shaping of the sound are precisely reproduced. In other words, the sound and tones of THR respond exactly like the original tube amps. One other feature is that THR never loses the sound quality when the volume is turned low. The sound character generally changes when the volume is turned down on most regular amps.

Audio Sound: A big difference from existing guitar amps is the audio sound quality of THR, covering a wide frequency range with a good balance. The guitar sound blends with other sound sources naturally, offering new sound value added. The speakers sound like they are outside the main amp unit, and this gives an overwhelming sense of breadth. This effect, a major advantage of THR, and is based on Yamaha’s originally developed, extended stereo technology.

3. Design: Focused on What Appeals to Guitarists
The design of THR gives guitarists what they want, including the intuitive functionality of analog equipment and a sense of retro taste. For example, the speakers have a faintly glowing orange-colored LED on the front grill, which suggests a tube amp. The overall appearance exudes an atmosphere calculated to appeal to users who understand the unique worldview of the guitar.

4. Product Lineup: Two Types Suited for Differing Uses
THR5 offers simplicity and portability. Although the controls and layout are minimal, the guitar and audio sound are never compromised or sacrificed. The THR5’s five amp type modes, from deep, yet shinny clean to modern high-gain, are more than what performers need to easily enjoy playing the guitar.

THR10, with a bigger enclosure, adds more low-range and mid-range to the sound. In addition to the five amp type modes, THR10 offers bass amp modeling, electric-acoustic mic simulation as well as flat channel for vocals and keyboards, making home recording possible. THR10 is also equipped with a three-band equalizer (EQ) and User Memory Function. Up to five of the sounds that performers have created with amp sounds, effects, and EQ can be saved. These memory buttons are located on the top of the control panel for easy access.

Information on the products and contacts included in this release were prepared based on the information available at the time of the announcement. Please note that this information may be changed after the date of announcement.