Piano Grade 13-11 - Yamaha USA

Yamaha Grade Examination

Piano Grade 13-11

I-I. Free Selection

Candidates prepare one free selection piece and play it.


- Examiners ask the candidate to play when the setting up is complete.

  • Note:
  • Repertoire for Free Selection can be taken from Yamaha publications, where the grade level is stated. Pieces of a similar standard are allowed too. Repertoire from the textbooks of Yamaha Music Education System Courses and meet the level of each grade can be included.
  • Candidates are expected to bring the scores of the pieces they have prepared to the exam.
  • Examiners may ask to see the score.
  • Candidates are allowed to use the score if necessary.
  • Examiners may stop the performance before it reaches the end of the piece.

I-II. Compulsory Piece

Candidates prepare one piece from the Compulsory Piece List and play it.


- Examiners ask the candidate to play when the setting up is complete.

  • Note:
  • Candidates are allowed to use the score if necessary.
  • Examiners may stop the performance before it reaches the end of the piece.
  • Effective October 2023, the Compulsory Pieces related to the Electone Study Course will be changed. The following previous Compulsory Pieces will no longer be available for selection after October 2023. However, as a transitional measure, students may use these pieces until September 2024.
    • - Electone Study Course (old edition) Book3: SING from Sesame Street (J. Raposo): Grade 11
    • - Electone Study Course (old edition) Book3: A Whole New World (A. Menken): Grade 11

Compulsory Piece List since October 2023

Grade 13

Music Adventure - Book 1: The Kangaroo Family Takes a Hop (Kumiko Kotera)

Music Adventure - Book 1: Happy Day (Traditional)

Pianoforte - Book 1: Lullaby of a Harp on the Moon (American Melody)

Pianoforte - Book 1: Dewdrops (Yamaha)

Music Friends Course - Book 1: Quiet, Quiet (German Traditional)

Music Friends Course - Book 1: Frère Jacques (French Traditional)

Grade 12

Music Adventure - Book 1: A Gorilla (Yamaha)

Music Adventure - Book 1: A Trapeze (Midori Okubo)

Pianoforte - Book 2: Spinning Wheel (Danish Melody)

Pianoforte - Book 2: Quiet Dusk (Russian Melody)

Music Friends Course - Book 1: I am a Musician (German Traditional)

Music Friends Course - Book 1: La Campanella (N. Paganini)

Grade 11

Music Adventure - Book 2: Lavenders Blue (English Song)

Music Adventure - Book 2: Gypsy Dance (G. Verdi)

Pianoforte - Book 3: Gypsy Dance (G. Verdi)

Pianoforte - Book 3: Minuet (L. Mozart)

Music Friends Course - Book 1: The Bird's Wedding

Music Friends Course - Book 2: Happy Birthday to You (M. J. Hill/P. S. Hill)

Candidates play/sing (Grade 13), play (Grades 12, 11) a melody by ear.


1. (Only Grade 13) Examiners ask if the candidate will play or sing.

2. Examiners inform the candidate of the key, and play the whole melody with the accompaniment.

3. Examiner plays the first half, and then the candidate plays/sings (Grade 13), plays (Grades 12, 11) the melody by ear. Examiner may play the melody bracketed if the candidate sings it for Grade 13.

4. Then, the second half in the same manner.


Candidates listen to three consecutive chords and sing/call (Grade 13), play (Grades 12, 11) the note names of the chords.


1. Examiners inform the candidate of the key.

2. Examiner plays the chords.

3. Then, candidate sings/calls (Grade 13), plays (Grades 12, 11) the chords by-ear:

For singing (Grade 13)

For singing (Grade 13)

For calling note names (Grade 13):

“Do - Mi - So/Sol! Si/Ti - Fa - So/Sol! Do - Mi - So/Sol!”

For playing (Grade 12, 11)

For playing (Grade 12, 11)


Candidates play:

Grade 12: a part (2-4 bars) of the melody of a repertoire piece they have played in the grade exam.

Grade 11: a melody of 4 bars in length.


Grade 12

1. Examiner shows the melody of about 2-4 bars of a repertoire piece played in the grade exam, and ask the candidate to play it.

2. Candidate plays the melody on their own.

Grade 11

1. Candidate looks through the score for approximately 30 seconds.

2. Candidate checks the finger number of the first note, and then plays the piece at sight.

Range of keys and time for Grade 11

- Key: C, G Major, A minor

- Time: 4/4


  • Note:
  • For Grade 12, candidates may be allowed to sing it by sight, or call the note names.
  • For Grade 13, examiners evaluate the candidates’ “Willingness” toward examination.