Yamaha Artist Services, Inc. Marks Mozart's 250th Birthday With Performance Series of 25 Piano Concerti

NEW YORK (January 13, 2006) — In the bleakest part of New York’s calendar, eight evenings this February and March will come ablaze with musical artistry as Yamaha Artist Services, Inc. presents "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: 25 Piano Concerti" in association with Klara Min, featuring the New York Sinfonietta.

Klara Min in the city
Pianist Klara Min
The first four performances will take place each Tuesday evening in February (7, 14, 21 and 28) at Yamaha Artist Services, Inc. at 689 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The second half of the series will be presented on four Fridays in March (10, 17, 24 and 31) at the Good-Shepherd Church at 152 West 66th Street. Three concerti will be performed each evening beginning at 7:30 p.m.

“Mozart’s compositional method puts him in a category by himself,” says Min, an accomplished piano artist with extensive performance experience in the United States, Europe and Asia. “His music is a surprise of the expected, yet displays to an almost inhuman degree the perfect balance between force and transparency, logic and irony, aloofness and intimacy, passion and tranquility, structure and freedom.”

Min cites Mozart’s concertos as the most progressive and multi-dimensional genre of his work, adding, “This series will offer the rare opportunity to experience Mozart’s entire piano concerti performed live, by a range of outstanding artists.”

Performing the piano concerti will be a galaxy of talented artists from nine different nationalities including Oxana Yablonskaya, Abbey Simon, Ursula Oppens, Jerome Lowenthal, James Tocco, pre-teen talent Alice Burla, and Min herself, among many others. The New York Sinfonietta, a chamber orchestra founded in 1992, will accompany the pianists under the direction of founding conductor Ki-Sun Sung, conductor Tomasz Golka, conductor Nathan Brock and conductor Yuri Krasnapolsky on respective evenings.

The 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth on January 27, 1756 will doubtless engender many tributes and observances, but perhaps none will match the delight of this comprehensive celebration of one of his most enduring forms of expression.

Tickets to the performances are available for $25 per evening ($20 for students with proper identification). For details on the performance schedule or to reserve tickets, phone (212) 339-9995 ext. 227 or email mmatsumura@yamaha.com.

For more information on Yamaha, write Yamaha Corporation of America, P.O. Box 6600, Buena Park, CA 90622; telephone (714) 522-9011; e-mail infostation@yamaha.com or visit www.yamaha.com.

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