Celebrated Pianist Daniel Pollack Presents Concert, Lecture And Master Class At Yamaha Artist Services

Pollack Daniel
NEW YORK CITY - A renowned expert on the music Samuel Barber, piano virtuoso and cultural trailblazer Daniel Pollack will present the works of Barber in a special centenary tribute concert and lecture at Yamaha’s Midtown Manhattan Piano Salon on October 28, 2010. The concert event follows a day-long piano master class at the facility.

Audiences worldwide, across five continents - North America, Europe, Asia, South America and Africa - recognize the pianism of Daniel Pollack for his signature colors in sound, coupled with a thrilling virtuosity, which gives his performances an electrifying element that captures the imagination of concert goers. Worldwide, critics note “his astonishing pianism,” (Washington Post); “his dramatic tension, poignant lyricism,” (Diapason magazine), Paris, France; and “his torrents of sound that turned feathery flurries of delicate sounds,” (Los Angeles Times).

A recent profile in the New York Times, headlined “Piano Man, Winning Russian Hearts and Minds,’ stated that Pollack is “now a legend in Russia.” Another profile featured in the International Herald Tribune, headlined, “A Musical ’Love Affair’ with Russia.”

A professor at USC, Pollack was a prizewinner in the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. He subsequently concertized throughout the former Soviet Union and became the first American to record there for Melodiya. Some of these recordings have been re-issued in Europe and the U.S. under several different labels. Learn more at www.danielpollack.com.

The Samuel Barber Concert will take place on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 6 pm and the Master Class event will take place on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 1pm.

Yamaha Artist Services is located at 689 Fifth Avenue in New York City. There is a $10 suggested donation at the door. For further recital and master class information, contact James Steeber, 212-339-9995 ext. 223.