News & Events

Rockin’ 1000 That’s Live Grows Again With Yamaha RIVAGE PM series

Every October for the past five years, over a thousand musicians have gathered together in Italy to perform as the ‘biggest rock band in the world’. Yamaha digital mixing has featured each time, with a RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system making its debut in 2018. This year the event moved to Linate Airport, Milan, where a RIVAGE PM7 system was added for the first time.

History Meets Modernity as Prague Hosts Yamaha’s 2019 System Designers Conference

The past, present and future of professional sound recently met in the Czech Republic, as over 300 sound industry professionals from 40 countries headed for the capital Prague, host city for Yamaha’s annual System Designers Conference.

Derek Smalls: Stinkin’ Up The Great Indoors With Yamaha

Famed for his struggles with stage props, attempts to smuggle vegetables through airport security and a Big Bottom, former Spinal Tap bass guitarist Derek Smalls recently delighted fans by inviting them to ‘rock til you sit’ at Lukewarm Water Live, a one date tour of the US West Coast. Increasing age may have brought Derek a subtle change of hair colour but, with a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system on monitors, he delivered the full majesty of rock.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM Mixing Consoles Shine for Thunder Audio at Detroit Jazz Festival

Thunder Audio Inc., now in its 40th year of business, is one of the largest audio production companies in the U.S., handling a diverse annual workload of corporate events, national touring concert acts, local and national live productions and festivals. To handle the demanding and diverse needs of each event, the company has found its new audio mixing standard: the Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing console.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 playing key role in Urinetown

For a period of just over three weeks, Singaporeans were given the opportunity of an insight into a strange, dystopian world: “Urinetown.” In case your eyebrows just went up because you haven’t heard of it before despite it having won several awards including three Tonys and even more nominations, and despite it nearing its 20th anniversary since debuting in New York City, fret not, yours truly was as surprised -- and curious.

City Church Ready for the Future with Yamaha QL5 Digital Mixing Console

The City Church, a growing non-denominational Christian ministry based in San Diego, emphasizes sound quality and performance. That was clear to Jason Arguello the first time he pulled up to the church where he would soon be the sound engineer.

Yamaha RIVAGE Mixing Consoles Shine for Thunder Audio at Detroit Jazz Festival

Thunder Audio Inc., now in its 40th year of business, is one of the largest audio production companies in the U.S., handling a diverse annual workload of corporate events, national touring concert acts, local and national live productions and festivals.

Northwest University Expands with Yamaha CL5 Mixing Console

From managing the audio production for weekly chapel services throughout the school year, to mixing multiple live bands to educating aspiring engineers training for careers in live sound, Greg Hearns has his hands full at the Chapel Auditorium at Northwest University.

First Christian Church Handles Worship and Community Events with New NEXO System

The term "multi-use venue" is common among houses of worship and a perfect example is First Christian Church (FCC) in Kernersville, North Carolina, more accurately described as a "gymatorium" by worship pastor Drew Grounds.

Montgomery Performing Arts Centre Upgrades with Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 and CL5 Mixing Consoles

The Montgomery Performing Arts Centre (MPAC) now has an audio mixing workflow worthy of the theater's sonic characteristics, with the recent additions of Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 and CL5 digital consoles.