EZ-220 Page Turner - Features - Apps - Keyboard Instruments - Musical Instruments - Products - Yamaha USA

EZ-220 Page Turner Discontinued

Page Turner not only includes the score for the 100 preset songs in the EZ-220, it turns pages automatically and allows you to focus on the music.

Auto page turn!

The pages of the sheet music advance automatically as the song plays on the EZ-220.* See the score for all 100 preset songs in the Yamaha EZ-220 keyboard. (Without EZ-220, 10 songs are available.)*Record your playing and/or singing through the iPad's built-in microphone.

Multiple skins available

Choose the skin from "Piano", "Wood tone" or "Kids".

Place it on the music rest!

Connects wirelessly to the EZ-220, no cables required. This application uses Yamaha's "INFOSOUND" technology.