PSR-E363 - Model Comparison - Portable Keyboards - Keyboard Instruments - Musical Instruments - Products - Yamaha USA

PSR-E363 Discontinued

3 Reviews

Touch-sensitive keys allow for expressive, dynamic performances

Versatile functions and an expressive touch-sensitive keyboard action make the PSR-E363 the go-to instrument for beginning players.



An easy, user-friendly, and fun keyboard for anyone who wants to play music.

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PSR E263

PSR E263

Equipped with a variety of useful functions that support both learning and playing, the E263 is designed for those who are just starting out.

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PSR E363

PSR E363

With a touch-sensitive keyboard and expanded lesson features, the E363 represents a step up for those who want to develop their musical skills further and enjoy playing.

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The 76-key touch-sensitive keyboard offers greater expression and flexibility, making the EW300 the perfect instrument for those who need more range or want to transition to the piano in future.

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