PSR-EW410 - Audio & Video - Portable Keyboards - Keyboard Instruments - Musical Instruments - Products - Yamaha USA

PSR-EW410 Discontinued

MSRP: $599.00

PSR-EW410 is the best 76-note keyboard for performing various styles of music, from the latest to vinyl favorites, featuring a high-res piano sample, powerful on-board speakers and easy-to-use professional features like assignable Live Control knobs, Quick Sampling, Groove Creator, USB Audio Recorder and optional subwoofer.

Yamaha PSR-EW Series Keyboards – The Talent Show

There comes a time when their talent outgrows their first instrument, and they’re ready to step up to the next level – the Yamaha PSR-EW series portable keyboards. With innovative features, simple connectivity, light-weight and portable design, these instruments are the logical, and affordable partner for the next step in learning to play the piano.

Quick Sampling - The possibilities are endless

Groove Creator - Make music like a DJ