YCH7118 Chimes
Product Information

Stand out in large ensembles with rich fundamental tones, long sustain, and a wide dynamic range.

Hanger Design
A two-piece hanger beam and rest improve sound quality and playability, while the wire suspension system ensures rock-solid stability for the widest possible range of playing styles.

Head Cap
The head cap design provides richer fundamental tone, pitch definitions, and longer sustain. It also brings a wider sweet spot so it is easier to produce optimum tone.
Contrasting silver head caps provide an elegant look that also serves as a helpful visual reference for players.

Damper Rod Clamp System (Patent applied for)
The damper rod clamp system has been redesigned for greater clamping strength and a more secure hold that prevents slippage when the damper pedal is pressed.

Damper Function
By aligning damper movement with the front-to-back motion of the chime tubes when struck, damping response has been notably improved. It is now easier to stop the extended sustain of the chime tubes at the most musically appropriate time.

Flexible Tube Arrangement
A full complement of damper holes is provided in the sharp/flat chime tube row, allowing any arrangement of chime tubes to be used. All available spaces can be used for a total of 21 tubes, if desired. Complete layout freedom is provided even when special-order chime tubes are used, since the position of the low C tube is not predetermined.
Note: The natural-note row of the YCH7118 does not provide sufficient height for longer chime tubes such as the YCHT7149A, YCHT7150A#, and YCHT7151B, so those tubes should be hung on the sharp/flat row or on a separate YCHS7106 stand.
If the short-length tubes such as YCHT7168E, 7169F, 7170F# or 7171G are hung on the sharp/flat row, the damper will not work properly since the lengths of those are not long enough to reach the damper unit. Please hang them on the natural row or use your hands to dampen those extra tubes.
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.