News & Events

2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards Extravaganza Features Yamaha PM10

Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 Sees The World With Jamiroquai

Having released Automaton - the band’s first album in seven years - at the end of March, Jamiroquai are soon to embark on a world tour of arenas and festivals. A Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 console will be mixing the front of house sound at every show, beneath the experienced fingers of engineer Rick Pope.

RIVAGE PM10 Delivers Impressive Sound for José Carreras

The Jiangsu Centre for the Performing Arts supports José Carreras with the Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 Digital Mixing System

Rock and Worship Roadshow Engineers Sing High Praise for Yamaha PM10

RIVAGE PM10 Installation Report: Mie Center for the Arts

A large number of companies and facilities have adopted RIVAGE PM10 systems since shipments began. Beginning with this issue, PROSOUND magazine plans to provide installation reports as they become available. Our first PM10 installation report is from the Mie Center for the Arts, in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, Japan. The sound system and the complex’s Fine Arts Center underwent major renovations from February through March 2016, and a RIVAGE PM10 console was installed to replace the analog console that has served the hall since its opening 20 years ago. We asked the hall operators why they chose the RIVAGE PM10, and how it has performed in actual use.

Yamaha Rivage PM10 "SILKening" The Voice King of Brazil

Roberto Carlos is a traditional Brazilian singer nationally recognized. Historically, Yamaha has been the main choice for the technical staff of Roberto Carlos, and in 2016 it was no different; they continue to use Yamaha backstage.This time, the Rivage PM10 was the choice. In this article, you can read the technical reviews of staff: Luiz Ambar (FOH) and André "Silvinho" Colling (MONITOR).

BYU Upgrades to Yamaha RIVAGE PM10

Ctrl Fre@k Puts RIVAGE PM10 Thru Its Pace

Rent the well-loved musical that was born twenty years ago was brought to live in Singapore last October at the Drama Centre by theatre company Pangdemonium! Not surprisingly the performance saw a strong turnout of audience throughout the performance period. All sound aspect for the musical theatre production was undertaken by Ctrl Fre@k Pte Ltd. To ensure that this epic musical met the expected high standards set, Ctrl Fre@k re-looked at the space and audio elements and decided to supplement the sound system within the venue.

Philharmonie Luxembourg Invests In Yamaha RIVAGE PM10

A popular addition to the rider of a number of live classical concerts in 2016, Yamaha’s flagship RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing console has recently seen its first permanent European installation at a classical concert venue, in Luxembourg.

Ruhrtriennale Embraces Yamaha RIVAGE PM10

Running from August to October each year, the Ruhrtriennale international festival brings music, dance, theatre, performance and other arts together in the former industrial buildings of Germany’s Ruhr region. The festival’s focal point is the Jahrhunderthalle, a former boiler house for the vast Krupp steelworks in Bochum. Its acoustics provide many challenges for audio engineers, but this year a Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 console helped to tame the sound for the opera Alceste.