Portico RND5045
Now only distributed by Rupert Neve Designs directly.
The Rupert Neve Designs 5045 Primary Source Enhancer is an amazing box that will assist mixing engineers where unwanted background sounds bleed into mics. Imagine inserting the 5045 over a podium mic, making a few adjustments to the very easy to use knobs on the front panel, and realizing how the intelligibility of that mic increases. The 5045 will handle or reduce unwanted signals well in excess of 20dB, if needed. By simply reducing the background sounds relative to the main audio source, the additional clarity and gain before feedback realized is quite stunning.
Product Information
Portico RND5045
Inserting the Primary Source Enhancer over a lav, podium, or headset mic, where so often there are challenges of getting a good solid sound with room to push for more level if needed, the 5045 really shines.
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.