VXS Series "F model"
System Example 1: Café

The VXS3F (Low-impedance model) is ideal for smaller installations such as retail stores where just a few speakers will be used to cover the service area. Wide dispersion allows effective coverage with a minimum number of speakers. The MA2030a is a stylish mixer amplifier that can be easily used without any prior audio experience. All you need to get started is the MA2030a, VXS3F speakers, and a music source of your choosing. You can add a microphone for announcements and small events if necessary, easily broadening the scope of your business.
System Example 2: Restaurant

The VXS3FT (High-impedance model) is preferred when a large number of speakers will be required to cover an expansive or complex area. Connection taps allow volume (output power) to be adjusted after installation for added flexibility. With VXS series F models and a mixer amplifier MA2030a, it is possible to create a streamlined, high-performance system that allows microphone use while BGM is being played, for example. Add a power amplifier such as the PA2030a for zoning capability.
System Example 3: Retail store

The combination of VXS3F/VXS3FT speakers and VXS10S/VXS10ST subwoofers is recommended to enhance the power and excitement of rhythmic music. A single unit of MA2120, which has independently controllable two output channels, would be a good choice for broadcasting announcements or advertisements while supplying background music. It allows users to create a comfortable, agreeable environment by carefully adjusting the output volume of each channel. The DCP1V4S control panel installed in the area allow remote control of background music volume and other operations.