What is Keyboard Encounters? - Yamaha - United States

What is Keyboard Encounters?

Keyboard Encounters is an innovative course of piano-style instruction where tradition and technology meet in harmony.

Geared towards people ten years of age or older, Keyboard Encounters places an emphasis on hands-on learning using the Yamaha Clavinova digital piano. This is an ideal setting to develop your musical creativity and confidence. Keyboard Encounters has proven successful in helping students of all ages learn to play and enjoy the piano.

How Long Will it Take Me to Learn How to Play?

You'll play simple pieces from the very first day!

In the weeks following the start of class you'll learn...

  • Songs in many exciting styles and genres, such as pop, classical, country, blues and jazz.
  • Fingerobics™ - Special keyboard excercises that develop finger dexterity.
  • Music reading, notation and theory.
  • Ensemble playing - group musical experiences that help develop your own playing skills.
  • How to plan and evaluate your progress.

How is the Course Taught?

Keyboard Encounters students are grouped according to age, musical background and goals.

You can enter this flexible course at any level, depending on your musical experience. Your teacher has been trained by Yamaha to work with students of all ages and abilities, and can help you decide which level to join.

Why Learn in a Group?

Playing in a group is musically satisfying.

Most music is performed in groups, whether in a band, orchestra, or a choir. Learning together strengthens individual rhythm skills and listening habits and develops confidence. Keyboard Encounters students who wish to share their music with the rest of the class will have the opportunity to perform solos.

What Type of Instrument Do I Need at Home?

You can use a Clavinova™ digital piano or a high quality acoustic piano.

"Play It Yourself" activities are designed so you can tailor your learning to meet your musical goals on the instrument of your choice.

What Instrument Will I Play in Class?

Classrooms are equipped with Yamaha Clavinova digital pianos.

These keyboards never need tuning, yet rival the sound and feel of acoustic pianos. Realistic instrument Voices combined with recording and playback features make Clavinova the perfect digital piano for learning. Accompaniment software, developed especially for Keyboard Encounters and the Clavinova, encourages your progress and makes playing more fun.

Find out more about Yamaha Clavinova digital pianos by clicking here.

When Do I Start?

Start playing today; enjoy playing for a lifetime.
Find a dealer near you and talk with a store representative now to enroll in the next class.

Keyboard Encounters School Locations