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4x1 & 4x4 Powered TDcontrollers

The NXAMP 4X1 & 4X4 Powered TDcontrollers, available in two 4-channelsizes produce an output capacity of 4x1300W under 2Ω for the 4x1 model and 4x4000W under 2Ω for the 4x4 model; establishing the 4x1 model as one of the most versatile amplifiers and the 4x4 model as one of the most powerful amplifiers to ever be produced. These models will permit the users to connect a large number of NEXO speaker systems while working on a platform that will maximize their performance. With the optional incorporation of the new generation EtherSound 100 hardware, the NXAMPs will additionally provide an unprecedented capability of Digital Audio networking and Control.

Processing and Control

The new generation signal processor in the NXAMPs is identical on both models, and derived from the NX242 TDcontroller. The processing power has been increased on both CPU and DSP.The NXAMPs utilise twin DSPs, with a total processing power that is 3.5 times the processing power of an NX242 fitted with an ES-4 NXtension board. Amplifier output is now sensed in both voltage and current and 24bit converters execute these measurements. The latest generation audio converters provide enhanced dynamic range with low latency (500us) analog input to output, in “flat” mode.

Robust, Rugged Power Supplies

The power supplies of the NXAMPs are SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) full resonance types with half bridge converters. This exceptional design offers the advantages of being smaller in size, improved power efficiency, and decreased heat generation. The design additionally minimizes noise via its Zero Crossing Switch (ZCS) technology.The NXAMP4x4 employs four times the structure of a monaural amplifier with four separate power supplies that present a high power capacity with a low load drive. In addition, on both models, two converters work synchronized in the opposite phase, thus cancelling noise. The benefits will include unrivalled sonic performance and low electro magnetic emissions.

Clean and Cool EEEngine

One of the primary objectives of Yamaha’s EEEngine technology is to deliver maximum efficiency in drive performance and power, while providing the audio quality of traditional class AB amplifiers that have an equivalent heat dissipation of class D amplifiers. The results have illustrated a 50% reduction in power consumption which provides outstanding sound quality.

Ferocious Final Stage (with Protection)

The output transistors in the final stage use thin chip technology with a small thermal resistance. Moreover, the model used here is a custom version with a maximum voltage now reaching 300 Volts. The final stage of the NXAMP 4x4 uses nine such transistors in parallel for a maximum of 135Amp output current capacity.