
Application Information
Application Information
Application Information
- Must be 18-22 years old at the time of entry.
- Must include a nomination from a university or private teacher, conductor, director, professional performer, music dealer, or community musical leader (nominators may not be a relative of the applicant).
- Must have attained a high level of musical achievement in solo appearances, honors, scholarships, and ensemble performances.
- Must have the personal qualities compatible with the high musical standards necessary for acceptance into the program.
- Must be a full-time student studying in the U.S. Yamaha is unable to provide international travel.
- Must be available for travel and performance from Saturday, June 22 - Tuesday, 25, 2024.
To Apply
- Indicate whether you wish to be considered as a classical or jazz/contemporary applicant.
- A completed, separate application is necessary if an applicant wishes to apply for both classical and jazz/contemporary, or on multiple instruments.
- Complete all information on the application form. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- A nominating person must complete all nominator information (see application) by the application deadline. There are no other expectations placed on the nominating person.
- Submit a minimum of 2, maximum of 4, different recordings of solo performances (with accompaniment, if applicable). At least 1 of the submitted recordings must be video. The pieces (or excerpts) may display different styles, but should above all show the applicant's strongest musical attributes. Original pieces are welcome. Recordings must be of high audio quality.
- Song titles and composers of each submitted recording must be included in the file name.
- At this time, we are able to accept applications for the following instruments: Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Mallet or Concert Percussion, Drums, Violin, Viola, Cello, Upright Bass, and Piano.
Jazz/Contemporary Applications
- Recordings should feature the applicant as a soloist, rather than an ensemble player.
- Please edit recordings to include solo materials you would like the judge to consider.